Client Challenge
Provide survey services and project expertise for a 438-mile transmission and substation upgrade project crossing 70+ communities for a large electric utility.
How We Helped
Land Acquisition Support: Work with Project’s real estate team to identify parcels of land required to expand existing rights of way, perform boundary surveys, and prepare land and easement acquisition plats
Existing Conditions Survey: Performed existing conditions surveys required to support substation expansions.
Construction Staking: Structure and anchor construction staking for the southern and central regions of the project.
Conductor Span Verification: Surveyed conductor spans at critical locations to verify safety clearances and proper conductor tensioning was achieved
Compensatory Land Surveys: As part of the project approval, the project owner agreed to acquire conservation or compensatory easements over environmentally or culturally significant parcels of land. SGC performed boundary surveys of a number of these parcels to assist with the transfer of ownership or ownership rights.
Read more of our case studies here.